Judit blogja

Megosztom élményeimet, azt, ahogy megélem őket, a tapasztalataimat és gondolataimat. Hasznos? Lehet, számodra is..

2010.03.13. 22:22 Juditos

For You

For You


I carry your heart with me

I carry it in my heart

I am never without it

anywhere I go, you go, my dear


And whatever is done by only me

Is your doing, my darling.


I fear no fate

for you are my fate, my sweet.

I want no world, for, beautiful,

you are my world, my true.


Here is the deepest secret no one knows

Here is the roof of the roof, and the bud of the bud

And the sky of the sky, of a tree called life


Which goes higher than the soul can hope

on mind can hide


Is the wonder that's keeping the stars apart: 

I carry your heart

I carry it in my heart.



 (E.E. Cummings)

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Címkék: love szeretet heart i your you for carry

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